Who would have thought I would be traveling to Africa on a mission trip years ago? I sure could not believe it. It was a time in my life when I sought God’s direction in serving. I had no clue what He had in store for me. I was introduced to a missions group by a friend. It just so happened they were sponsoring a trip at the church I attended. I was excited and continued to pray. I registered to go not knowing how to pay for the trip. My faith was still tender. I began to send out letters for contributions and amazing things began to happen. The response was all God. I had contributions from the physicians on my job, church members, friends, family, and myself. I was told most of my trip was paid except 350.00. Here is the incredible miracle that followed. I was home and the doorbell rang. By the time I get to the door, no one is there, but, I hear a car squealing around the corner. I small voice tells me, “Look in the mailbox.” Lo and behold there is an envelope with no stamp. I open it and there is 350.00. I cry out with “joy unspeakable.” Faith is no longer tender, but stronger. God clearly let me know I was going to Africa for my first foreign mission trip. More importantly, He answered my prayer, “Lord, what would you have me to do.” Not knowing what it would be like or how He would use me for this glorious opportunity to reach lives with the Gospel message, I continued to trust and obey.
When we get to Africa my heart is filled with compassion over the overwhelming need for the youngest to the oldest of the people. We went into the villages and set up medical supplies, distributed medications and vaccinations, and played games with the children. We set up churches, taught bible study, set up outdoor movies, and collected funds to build a road to the village, (which was very inexpensive). God is so amazing. It was a privilege to see children with nothing have joy and hope amid their experiences. They made toys from sticks and rocks. They were happy and grateful. This made me aware of how ungrateful we are in the US. We complain about everything. Yet these kids who had no running clean water, no electricity, and no homes made the best with little to no resources.
The work was long days, but fruitful in the eyes of the Lord. Needs were being met, and relationships were built. Most of all lives were forever changed as they came to know Jesus intimately. Not once did I think about the affairs of home for the focus was about the work God sent us to do. Missions do not require you to go to another land. It is wherever there is a need that we may meet, opening an opportunity to share God’s love. Whenever you see it, when God calls, m
Sybil Clanton