Quick List of Spiritual Gifts Defined
ADMINISTRATION: The ability to help steer the church, or a ministry, toward the successful completion of God-given goals, with skills in planning, organization, and supervision.
Apostle: A person sent by God to new places with the Gospel. They provide leadership to other churches or ministries and offer advice on spiritual matters. The Apostles were given authority by Jesus to do many different things to establish the church, including writing Scriptures and performing miracles. (John 14:26, 2 Peter 3:15-16, 2 Corinthians 12:12). There are no more that hold the office of Apostles today, but the gift continues in a different sense.
DISCERNMENT: The wisdom to recognize truth from untruth by correctly evaluating whether behavior or teaching is from God or another, ungodly source.
EVANGELISM: The ability to successfully communicate the message of the Gospel, especially to non-believers.
EXHORTATION: Competence in offering encouragement, comfort, and support to help someone to be all that God wants them to be.
FAITH: People with this gift have such high confidence in the power and promises of God that they can stand firm in their belief, no matter what may try to shake them. They can also stand up for the church and for their faith in such a way as to defend and move forward.
MERCY: This is the defining trait of a person with high sensitivity for those who are suffering. It manifests itself in offering compassion and encouragement, and in love for giving practical help to someone in need.
PROPHECY: The ability to speak the message of God to others. This sometimes involves foresight or visions of what is to come. The skill should be used only to offer encouragement or warning.
SERVING: A talent for identifying tasks needed for the body of Christ and using available resources to get the job done.
SPEAKING IN TONGUES: The supernatural ability to speak in another language (one that has not been learned).
TEACHING: The skill to teach the Bible and communicate it effectively for the understanding and spiritual growth of others.
WISDOM: The gift of being able to sort through facts and data to discover what needs to be done for the church.
It should be noted that not every Christian believes all these spiritual gifts are still given by God. Some think that there were certain gifts, such as speaking in tongues and Apostles were only for a time in biblical history and foundational for building the church and are no longer needed today.