I was chasing the big American dream. College education, nice home, nice car, big bank account, and fine clothes. That was my goal in college. After all, it is the American dream. It is the pressure and values society can place on you if you allow it. The first thing I wanted to do when I was hired for my first great job was to buy a fancy car. I bought a car, bought a house. I thought I was cool especially with my social circle. Long story short, I lost it all. I was young and very unwise, but one thing stood out to me during the entire time, and that was, I was never fulfilled or satisfied. I learned living for material things is foolish. I learned the hard way; so it compels me to share from Matthews 6:33. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” Further reading on this topic you can start with 6:19-34.
So many of us go through life seeking one thing after another trying to keep up with society and trends of the day, never finding what you’re chasing or you don’t know what you’re chasing. Let me ask you a question, “What are you spending your time on?” What is the center of your attraction? It might be family, spouse, kids, job, sports, drugs, alcohol, partying. Whatever it may be, don’t let it consume you.
Jesus tells us our focus must be Christ-centered. He tells us that life consists of far more. Do you want your needs met? Your needs are met when we put Christ in all our choices, and Christ becomes first in your life. This means daily prayer and searching the scriptures. Also, it means making no decisions leaving God out. It is very easy to wake up each day and go on your way without seeking God about your day and what you do during the day. For example, I have learned from past mistakes, to ask God about every decision on spending His money like “do I need this, is it wise, is it okay?” Previously, I sought material things to fill the void of being single and alone. This lifestyle leads to an area of darkness and sin. Now, I trust God’s care for me. He has shown time and time again His provisions for me.
During this time at home, I have been tempted to shop online. When I stop and pray, He gives me wisdom, I put myself in check. I obey. Sometimes I fail. The point is when you obey, when you put Him first and centered, He will guide you. Not only that He will provide your every need. He already knows the desires of your heart and what you need. Try it and see. I no longer have anxious thoughts of I want or need. I am filled with thoughts of comfort. God has given us life, what can He not do for us? The fancies and riches of the world are not what we seek. They are idols. Our thought should be on the far greater thing like the life of our soul and eternal happiness. It should take the place of our worldly cares. If we would live to please God and not ourselves we are easily provided for. “Seek first the kingdom of God”. Our duty is to seek, desire, pursue and aim at these things. We seek the kingdom of God and eternity. We prefer heaven and heavenly blessings above earthly delights. Giving diligence and pressing toward this, and not preferring anything less.
This may sound extreme or hard, but that is why my blogs are named “Tough Truth”. In reality, it is not hard because if you are obedient, God gives you the courage and the strength to overcome all obstacles. It is not in your power and strength but it is in His. He makes it easy when you are willing. Oftentimes we have a crutch we lean on, a substitute for comfort that keeps us in the same old habits instead of fully committing to Christ. We make an excuse. We say we will never change. “Oh, ye of little faith”. What you are saying is that you don’t want to change. You don’t want to put the effort into giving your ways over to Him so He can change your heart, your actions, your sin.
When you seek His way, God will bless you over and above. Jesus outlines in this scripture the blessings that flow from obedience to HIm. If we give Him the place in our lives that He is due then we will know His care of us. What matters is what lasts and what lasts is seeking His kingdom and His righteousness. What are you seeking?