How do you define a virtuous lady? What does a virtuous women look like? If you were asked to nominate a women of the year, how would you choose? What things do you look for; outward beauty, inward beauty, physical appearance, intelligence ? What characteristics define a virtuous woman? The answers to the questions are not found in the world’s definition, but in God’s Word. Let’s look at a snapshot of Proverbs 31 virtuous women.
Proverbs defines and describes the characteristics of a virtuous woman. A virtuous woman is a wise woman. She is made strong by wisdom, grace, and the fear of the Lord. Proverbs tells us she has command over her own spirit, she knows how to manage others. She is industrious and not idle. She knows how to manage money. She is a good wife, whom pleases and compliments her husband. She takes care of the affairs of the family. She is known by her kindness. It is the fear of the Lord that crowns her character. (This is what I like) Everything she does is governed by her regard to God. If you trust God you do not fear. This is genuine beauty.
What does she look like to the world? She is happy. She enjoys her life living out God’s virtues. She delights in treating people with respect. She is a great blessing to all of her relationships. She does not look for the applause of man. She speaks truth, not a gossiper, not a slanderer, has a calm spirit, not envious, not prideful, not revengeful, but loyal and forgiving. I can go on and on with this. The point is, she is in the right relationship with God and confident because she draws her strength from God. There is no fear. I am sharing a little of the chapter, but it is a vast amount of rich guidance in Proverbs 31. If you study it over again, it will bless you. I want to be this lady. This my goal.
I have been blessed to observe and know several virtuous women. The first was my Sunday School teacher. She taught and lived the life which prompted me to say “yes” to Jesus. It is beautiful to watch a virtuous women of God; an excellent example to follow. Especially, in our world today, we’ve lost the flavor of what it look like to be a lady, yet alone, a God-fearing lady. Walking with Jesus will grow those virtues . Oh, what a benefit and how fulfilling can life be when we’re immersed in Him.
Ladies, let’s encourage one another. Find another lady who needs to be encouraged and build them up. Forgive others. If there is someone you need to make amends with, do it speedily, even if you are not the one who should apologize. The point is to restore harmony, keep your emotions out of it, trust God. Look, we all mess up, we all have flaws, but as sisters in Christ, we forgive, we love and restore what is broken. Don’t lose relationships because of your pride and emotions. God can walk you through it.
One last reminder ladies, we must search our hearts, examine ourselves daily. Be honest and open to what God reveals and be obedient, open to change. You can’t do this if you’re unteachable, think you know it all, always right. This is a spirit of pride. We must be ladies who walk in humility. My prayer is to CONTINUE and not faint. In His time! In His way. Walking with God is a choice you make. Just do it.