Why do we run from the truth or do nothing with it? I am speaking to Christians. Rather than engaging in God’s truth, we do nothing.
We talk a good talk, but nothing is behind it. We boast in the law, thou shalt not abort children or marriage is for man and women which is good in the sight of the LORD, yet we act in ways that are harsh, ugly, condescending. We fight and attack others, we complain to have things our way or according to what we believe. These things ought not to be. God is love. He is the Judge He is in control. It is not a Christian’s place to judge and control the world for selfish gains or means. God does not need our help in the affairs of this world. We are to walk in LOVE trusting God by faith to do what He deems is right. Not us, not man. When we learn to be humble, reverence a quiet gentle spirit and shut up, stop complaining, stop fighting, be grateful, blessed and rest in Him, we bring peace to the world. If you want to fight, fight the good fight of faith and put on your whole armor to fight against the wiles of the devil instead of doing the Devils work.
Some things just need to be said to shake us back to a proper relationship with God. This is where the focus should be. Trust me, God will take care of all the rest. We are children of God why act worse than the world. We mock God. We say God is angry right now because He has been replaced by idols in this world, which is true, we point our fingers to everyone else, but God is sick and tired of His church acting like the world, acting like pompous Pharisees as if we rule the world. Don’t you see, He is judging His church.
I know this sounds harsh, but the truth is hard. I am not excluding myself. One thing is true, I write what God tells me. He gives me the words through prayer, fasting, meditation, and study of His WORD.
We are in a war for God to be put back on the throne of our hearts, our lives, our communities, our world. He wants His church who is the body of Christ to live like it. What does HE have to do for the church to act like it, live like it and love like it; the way Jesus taught us to live amongst the world?
May your hearts be open and receptive to His voice that He may change your ways, be transformed and change the world.