Time is short. There is an urgency for Christians now than ever before to stand up. If you love, love more, if you pray, pray more, if you witness, witness more, if you teach, teach more, if you study the Word, study more.
We must take every opportunity to share the Gospel. However, you can’t do this if you are not living the life before the world. Let me ask you, “Do you really love your neighbor, be they’re White, Black, Asian, Indian, Hispanic? You can’t fake this because God knows your heart. When denial and fear cease and authenticity replaces it, then and only then are you free and able to love God’s way. You can love your neighbor as yourself. So, let me ask you again, “Do you love your neighbor as yourself?”
It is hard work being a Christian. We can easily become victims of our moods and emotions controlling us and our actions. Therefore, it requires persistence. Persistence keeps you going whether the time is rough or not. Our competence comes from God. (2 Corinthians 3:5)
We’re living in a time when man is no longer putting up with sound doctrine. (Paul speaks about this in 2 Timothy 4:3-4) They are drawn to their own desires. They turn from truth to myths and lies. They do not tolerate the truth. We’re experiencing this in the church right now. We can’t stand on our own feelings. We can only stand on the truth of God’s Word, nor can we be influenced by them. As Christians, we are engaged in the same battles with sin and temptations in our hearts as well as the forces of evil operating in the world. This is more reason to stand and be strong in the Lord. There is an urgency for Christians to get real and stand up. Are you winning the battle? Are you giving your best or are you feeding into the lies?
