The person that Christ transforms takes on a long process of events and life experience. It is no longer a moment-by-moment series of events, but instead, it is a continuously amazing discovery of God’s faithfulness. It is an ongoing challenge of service. It is a life preparing for eternal life. A transformed life seeks to end well. As Paul states in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Those who obey the wisdom taught in God’s Word will become more skillful in handling the affairs of life. Following God’s wisdom is a full-time endeavor.
As stated above, transformation is a process. First, God’s Word must work in our hearts to transform our character before we can become the people God can guide and bless. If we’re truly in Christ, we must focus on building godly character, as well as applying it in our lives and relationships. I have experienced the joy of His faithfulness. He amazes me every time He does the miracles in my life. It goes like this, time in the Word develops intimacy with God. Meditating on the Word trains my heart and soul to respond to God. I respond by doing and by putting His Word into action. So what does that look like? Well, first is prayer, then, making my thoughts God’s thoughts (to change my negative attitudes), serving and loving all people, and looking for opportunities to share Christ and disciple souls.
Staying on a healthy spiritual diet each day allows the Holy Spirit to do His work in us. One of the greatest joys transformed in me is to have peace during difficult circumstances. Because I trust Him, He settles my heart. I go to His Word, for this is where God speaks into my life. He reminds me that He has everything under control. This is His amazing transforming power. I recognize God no matter what circumstance I eventually face. It ain’t easy, but it gets better when you trust, believe, and obey. He will show you His presence through circumstances, plus bless you in ways you just can’t put into words.
Let me share my story. I was one of those people who politically debated on Facebook. Until one Sunday my Pastor spoke on why it was wrong to act this way. I was immediately convicted and determined with the help of the Holy Spirit to change the behavior because it did not look like Christ. Instead of focusing on all the things that divide us I began to focus on things that unite. Now….doing well, grateful, and changed. Only He can do it. I feel better. All of this is part of the process of transforming GOD’s Temple in me. He is my intimate friend and I don’t want to hurt My Father. I am praying and learning to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit as I interact with others. God has shown me regardless of the people we disagree with, we’re still called to love them as our neighbors. When we do this, we are showing the world we are His disciples. For, it is not about who the neighbor is, but more about being a neighbor who will love when the opportunity arises.
What I love is how unique and versatile God can be. You never know what situation will arise where you see Him at work. It is all about allowing the Father to have His way with our lives. No more giving Him pieces. He deserves and wants all of us, our very best, and for NOTHING to be exalted above Him. This prompts me to recall God’s radiance in 2 Corinthians 3:18 “ But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” So we can radiate the glory of God. How? When we meditate on God’s Word and in it see Jesus, the Spirit transforms us. The glory of God’s grace continues to increase in our lives. We change inside. It’s revealed outside.
We need transformed Christians to change the world. Sadly, there are only a few. Why? Because maybe we love our gods more than Christ and just won’t let the idols go. Or maybe, as I once was, I believe that God has the power and the ability to help me, I was just not sure He would. I questioned His love. We all have many reasons why we are not being transformed. It is time to face it. It is time to change. It is a choice you have to make because God is waiting. Will you? he can do it. I am a living testimony, yet a work in process.
I pray we surrender just like the name of my website, “Transforming Temples, Living Your Best Life In His Power.” He is complete, He is all we need. Come out of the wilderness to the Promised Land. God has so much more for your life. He desires to bless you with the amazing discovery of His faithfulness. Will you let Him transform you/your life?