I want to take this time to thank all of the people who have prayed for me, supported me, walked beside me in hard times, and in preparing this ministry. I thank my small group bible class and my prayer group. I thank IF:Gathering for helping me “just do it”. I thank my Pastor who challenges me every week to be the best I can be in Christ. And some gents as well. I can’t name all the names, but those special ladies know who you are and the roles you have played in this journey leading to this place.
2019 was a difficult year, but life changing. God took the trials changed my heart, answered my prayers. I am amazed of His transforming power. It seems like it took forever to get to this point. This new freedom I have found in Him is indescribable. I guess you have to go through some trials to get here, but even more you have to want it. I have labored day and night on the website. I have enjoyed every moment, especially writing. I sit down to write and God pours out His Spirit giving me the words to write. I have finally found my niche. Glory to God. I pray it may inspire at least one lady to fully surrender and find what He has for you to do.
Finally, and the last who is fist, I thank God for empowering this pitiful sinner with His Spirit to create Transforming Temples. My prayer is that God will add more resources, creative ideas , and people to help build upon Transforming Temples ministry. ( especially someone to proofread and correct grammatical errors 🙂 Hey, we’re just getting started.
Thanks again. I love you all.
Sybil Clanton