What is it about the water that eminently brings tranquility? It can draw you into another world. A world of peace and calm. Could it be the beauty of God’s nature, which He has created for good and humanity?
I recently returned from my first cruise to the Caribbean. As I gazed upon the sea I was drawn into a daze of tranquility as if I was standing before Christ. I could not move, but within my heart and mind praising God’s presence. I was drawn from the physical state to a spiritual realm as if I were standing in His presence. I experience His love and grace so tangibly. Upon returning to a conscious state of mind I was flooded with visions of ministry. Each day as I gazed out into the clouds and ocean, sunrise to sunset, I see Jesus. I hear the Holy Spirit whispering about areas in my life to release and change, my calling, and my website ministry. Transformingtemples.com. My focus was continually on His goodness and mercy. Refreshing, revived, and relaxed, I know he had me in the place He wanted me to be.
On this cruise, I have a keen sense of awareness of His presence. From the people, He placed me around, the activities throughout the day, and quiet devotion time, I see our Creator walking with me. I keep asking myself, “what is the difference?” The ocean is like His love filling my heart. His love is vaster than the ocean. Psalm 107:29 states “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.” Psalm 146, “He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— he remains faithful forever.” His love compared to the sea is never-ending, expansive, wide, and deeper than we could ever imagine. When I see what God has created for man, why not place my trust in Him? Jeremiah 5:22 states “Do you not fear me? declares the Lord. Do you not tremble before me? I placed the sand as the boundary for the sea, a perpetual barrier that it cannot pass; though the waves toss, they cannot prevail; though they roar, they cannot pass over it.”
For me, this cruise made me aware that I need relaxing time with Jesus. You don’t necessarily have to take a cruise, but anywhere you can be alone and sense His presence. The ocean did it for me. The ocean is a display of God’s might yet at the same time a beautiful reflection of His peace. It is a place where I relate to God. On the I hear your voice. No distractions, just experiencing joy.
Might this blog take you back as a reminder of all the great things He has accomplished in your life? No matter our situation, He is faithful and able to calm the storm, speak to you, and grow your walk. You give perfect peace. Psalm 89:9 states, “You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.
I see God’s character. The ocean is part of God’s creation and it reveals much of His character. Paul states something similar in Romans 1:20, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” Among the ocean, I can see the waves as our struggles. sin, and grief that can appear as an ugly mess. But like God’s grace and forgiveness, the waves can cover up the mess and wipe our slate clean. How awesome is that?
So let me ask: does your life look like a mess right now? Maybe some are of your own doing. Maybe some are the result of things that you didn’t choose. It doesn’t matter. Don’t waste a moment; make a confession to God right now and allow Him to change those areas of your life which need to be surrendered in order for Him to transform you.
Oh, the peace and miracles of the sea.