Life is not easy. We suffer difficult times, trials, tribulations, and pain. We look for comfort and peace during those times. When I experience such times, as I am now, my comfort is knowing how Jesus Christ suffered the Cross at Calvary for me. As a Christian, I am not exempt from suffering. My pain does not begin to compare with being hung on a cross, nails hammered into my hands and a crown of thorns spiked into my head. Who am I to complain or be sorrowful?
Two of the most painful times I experienced were involving my mom and my sister. I took care of Mom for 14 years before she passed the day after Christmas and was buried on New Year’s Eve. My mom was sweet, kind, and loving of all people. She was my human rock on earth, my go-to person for comfort and guidance when life got tough. She kept the family well-knitted. Oh my goodness, this woman could cook. Losing that bright shining light is painful, and it resurfaces during the holiday season.
When my mom passed away in 2014, my older sister became the matriarch of the family. I have only one sister, no brothers, and my nephew and his two daughters. My sister can also cook very well. She became the go-to person and much more. We went places together, laughed, and cut up like kids. She was my confidant. She is three years older than me. Now, it is difficult to handle the fact that my sister has Alzheimer’s. She was diagnosed at the age of 62. She is 71 and the disease is progressing. I don’t know if I am being selfish because she no longer cooks and the encouragement she once provided has ceased at a time when I need it the most. The pain that I can’t do anything to help her hurts. I am blessed she still knows me and smiles when she sees me; though the conversations are strenuous. due to forgetfulness and repeated questions. I must prepare for the further progression of her health. It is such a terrible disease.
I live alone in a quiet serene atmosphere, surrounded by the beauty of God’s nature. He has placed me here for such times as this. I am totally dependent on Him. He is the One that gives me peace during times like these. I’ve given the pain to God, realizing that His Son went through much more. What I am saying to you is no matter the pain and difficulty life throws at you, He is with you. He can sympathize because He has experienced it in a far greater way than we can ever imagine. Jesus continued to focus on the Father through the death of the Cross. He trusted and believed the Father and He rested in that. He is loving me through the pain. He is a good God. God is my Rock and my refuge. I stand on it. No matter how bad the pain, He is walking me through it. The holiday season can be a time of pain but remember the good. Open your heart to the only One who gives rest, peace, and comfort. “The battle is not yours, it’s the Lords.”
Guess what? He did a miracle this evening. I had a FaceTime conversation with my sister. We laughed, smiled, cut up, and prayed, just like old times. It brought me so much joy. I know God orchestrated this evening. His presence was undeniable. It blessed my heart dearly. Moved by the Holy Spirit, I immediately dictated this blog post. I pray this blog will be a source of encouragement in times of pain and difficulty. Give it to God and trust Him in faith. He will not let you down. Amen!
Sybil Clanton