Man, created in Your image to love and obey. But now we live our lives our own way.
Your blessings from above, we take for granted. Because we do not live as You commanded.
Open your eyes to see the beauty of His majesty. You can’t ignore Him with your travesty; that will be a tragedy.
We’re to be Your people, spreading Your love, just like you showed us by Your Son above.
Your grace, mercy, and truth cover us each day. This is why we pray.
Open your eyes and stop living the lies. Now is the time to be tested and tried.
Are you authentic or counterfeit? Do you oppose the Anointed or do you submit?
Have you been broken, tried, and tested? Or do you reject, infect, and disrespect?
The King of Kings, Alpha, and Omega, the One who died for you and me. Take the blinders off your eyes so you can see.
Open your eyes, look to eternity. Where will you be? Come out of the fog so you can walk without stumbling. Your walk will become humbling.
Nothing else matters, it is not about you and me. It’s all about serving one another. One body, one people, sister, and brother.
Open your eyes to reality, He is who He says He is, the Creator of all, who does not want us to fall.
We need to stand in Him by faith especially to make the world a better place. Bow before Him now, before it’s too late, or you won’t make it into the pearly gate.
Let’s shine as the Light we need to display, for the world is fallen, just going astray.
Open to Satan and all his schemes, your body is possessed with all his mess. He knows his end is doom and he wants you to share the big dark room.
He knows your weakness and preys on them. Why do you continually let him in?
Oh, that you would open your eyes, change your heart and make it clean. We’re tired of the world being so mean.
We’re all from the seed of Adam and Eve, black, brown, and white, so why do we fight?
Lay down the hate, power, and greed, but most of all the ignorance. Reach out, communicate and listen, then you will find deliverance.
Continue to stand, as you wait on the promised land. There will be no pain, no fear, no lies, no shame.
Where we will meet Him face to face and will embrace His precious grace.
Open your eyes, will open your heart to find the Way, the Truth, and the Light. Peace will come as you are steadfast. Trials will come, just holdfast. Blessings beyond measure become a treasure with many days bright.
Though many battles we may encounter, we shall not flounder.
Know, He will fight as we stand, to leave it in His hand.
Let’s get real, lay it all down, pick up the Sword, the WORD of God. Why?; because we are all flawed.
So, open your eyes that you may see, all that God wants you to be.
Open your eyes!