Ladies, what are you basing your self-worth on; the clothes you wear, the job you have, the car you drive, your social status, your talents, or your finances? What is your mindset amidst the chaotic world we live in today? On a scale from one to ten; (ten being the very best) how do you rate your spiritual health? We all work hard in the many tasks we fulfill each day. It can become very stressful because of the many roles we fulfill. I thought it would be good to share about healthy living. It begins with a balanced spiritual life. Eating healthy and exercising is good for our body, but healthy is not complete without spiritual health.
We can exercise and eat healthy every day, but still, be stressed, lack patience, be depressed, and lack self-esteem. I am reminded of the many ladies I have the privilege of teaching bible study in prison, who have no self-worth/low self-esteem because of abuse or a consistent attack on their character. Some of the women have low self-esteem because of weight, physical beauty, comparing themselves to others, being unskilled, and lack of education. I have learned and grown from this ministry. I am blessed to meet with these ladies and share life. My eyes were opened and my heart softens to their call. So often we are quick to judge without ever tasting of those we seek to condemn. Everybody has a story. I am reminded of when I had an issue with wanting to be accepted by everybody and comparing my attributes to another person, only to get depressed. A life lived by the world’s mindset can get you into trouble. Living this way places me in chains. Jesus did not die on the cross to keep us in bondage. He died to set you and me free. I must keep my eyes on the goal of Christ Jesus.
Beauty is found within. The most beautiful women are those who choose to focus on a Spirit-filled life and not a worldly life of sin. They’re consistently being transformed each day because they walk in the Spirit. Through scripture, we can find God’s guidance to good health. Isaiah 52:7 states, “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!”The woman who focuses on a “quiet and gentle spirit”. (1 Peter 3:3-4) She has dignity and strength because she fears the Lord. Proverbs 3:15-18 “She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called blessed.” The beauty that shines forth is from the heart, not the body or outward appearance. What am I saying? Know who you are in Christ, know your value and live it by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Let no man define your worth. Do you want to know your worth? Well, here you go. You’re a Priest and King, a royal priesthood, part of a chosen generation, you’re made in His image. God loves you, His spirit lives in you, you’re a temple of the Holy Spirit. Your worth in the eyes of Jesus is joy and peace. You are content in any situation. Don’t let man or the world dictate to you about your worth and attempt to steal your joy. Allow your joy to come from Jesus Christ. In Christ Jesus, He has given us His Holy Spirit. We have supernatural power to overcome all life circumstances when we trust Him. John 14:16 The Holy Spirit is a priceless treasure. He is a gift. He is in you, He is for you. This gift is one that God wants us to enjoy. Women of God we are so blessed. Be encouraged. Living out of your insecurity is the secret to a miserable life. If you feel as though you must shop every week for new clothes to make you feel good, stop and trust God.Kill the chase and be content with who you are and what you have. Don’t fall into Satan’s trap of enticement for worldliness.When you don’t value your worth you’re never content, always seeking more ways to make you feel better. IT DOES NOT WORK!
I remember when I was constantly going through turmoil, I wanted to feel different, not hopeless or a failure. I decided there must be more to a relationship with God. And it is. Intimacy with God is joy unexplainable. For example, the intimacy David had with God. He hungered and thirst yearning for God even in the midst of trials, he went straight to the Source. (Psalm 63:1-8 ) I found I was self-sabotaging myself with negative and toxic thoughts. We are masters of getting in our own way. Being a Christian is a constant struggle or battle with Satan and the world telling us who we are and how to live. We all have a vice, but It was not until I acknowledged those vices and surrendered to God that l had victory. I value my worth in Jesus, not by the world’s standard, but by the Holy Spirits’ direction. The world offers lots of distractions and chaos. Jesus offers something far better. I had to look at the version of myself defined by Jesus. It is an inner struggle we must give over to Christ. Our worth is found in Him. There is freedom from all inner struggles. Yes, when you can truly have peace and joy when you lose your job or are diagnosed with an illness, or death of a loved one, then you claim the victory.
Christian joy is not an emotion, rather it is a deep experience of being adequate and confident no matter what the circumstance. Whatever your negative thoughts are, refuse to acknowledge them. Don’t feed into the lies of the enemy. He wants to keep you from valuing your life by enjoying God’s presence, knowing His power, and enjoying intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. “It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed because His compassion fails not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
Define yourself by the Word of God. Don’t compare yourself with others. Stand on His truth. Be bold. The Word tells us we are more than conquerors, Romans 8:37. We have power from God we have yet to come close to tapping into. Ladies, we are women of God, women of faith. Let us believe it and live like it. Everything we are and need, let it be found in Him. Amen.
“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” John 4:4