As this year ends, I have examined my life, character, relationships, and spiritual walk. The question of independence and dependence haunted me throughout the year. It is a serious question to contemplate. It is a question that must be answered and action taken. This question must be resolved if you want to grow and enjoy intimacy with God. Far too often I chose to do things my way, always taking matters into my own hands. The outcome or results were always disastrous. Yet, when I decided to depend on God, he never let me down, even when He said “No” or “No not now” I had peace. It is so easy to go about our lives, doing as we choose, making decisions, and taking control of everything. You say, “This is good, it’s okay.” Well, it’s not.
When I allowed this behavior it did not turn out as I anticipated. I was dependent solely on what I wanted to do. Here I am a Christian trying to serve the Lord depending on myself and what I have. Who am I without Christ? No good thing. Putting my confidence in myself is a natural part of life, but not for a Christian. Through trials and tribulations, and spankings of chastisement God revealed the truth. He wants me to depend on Him alone. What am I saying? He wants us to surrender it all to Him. “Not my will, but Thy will be done “in and through us. I was stubborn and I paid the price from one pitfall to another. Depending on yourself might seem good, but it doesn’t last long before you feel the effects of it. All of those soft nudges by the Holy Spirit that I ignored and resisted brought me to a crossroads. It was time to face the truth and do something about it.
Maybe God has you at this point or you can relate. Surrendering our will is a difficult task to do. However, if you are a Spirit-filled, born-again believer, you must surrender. It is vital to your relationship with Christ and others. More than that God will never be able to use you. for His purposes. All the prayers you’ve prayed and wonder why they were not answered may be the result of not trusting God. He wants to be included in every detail of our lives. God first revealed to me that I was not placing my confidence in Him to provide all my needs or His Holy Spirit’s guidance. Basically, what I was saying is “I got this, Lord I don’t need your help.” Wow, what a smack in the face to the all-knowing, all-wise God Almighty. We say we trust God every day yet our actions prove otherwise. We continue to lead our lives as if He is not there. We don’t ask Him questions like, should I spend money, do I need this, what plan of course should I take? We hold on to the very things He has asked us to surrender. Why keep making life more difficult? Why keep staying in the same place, never growing, and experiencing the same failures over and over instead of the promises, and rewards from God? God revealed this to me, but not until after a crisis. I rejoice in the crisis, for it opened my eyes and my heart to change. I will share the crisis in the next blog, God’s not finished yet.
I am reminded of the Apostle Paul as an example of independence to dependence. Paul lived his life as he saw fit. He was a devoted Pharisee and persecutor of Christians. He was highly educated by the best. Measured by the law, his life was blameless. Well on his way to becoming a great leader in the Jewish faith, he lived a good life (from the world’s perspective.) His devotion to Moses completely controlled his life and almost destroyed it. In his independence, he acted “in ignorance and unbelief”. Then, Paul had a crisis traveling on Damascus Road. God revealed to Paul who He was and made him blind. God had mercy on Paul and saved him. From that time on Paul never turned back. The status and position he once enjoyed no longer mattered. Paul was completely surrendered to God and used by God. No longer his will, his way, but all God’s will. This is the place God wants you and me to be. Amen!
How do we surrender completely?
The first thing to realize is that it is a process. Prayer is key. When I prayed honestly God revealed to me that I must accept His will. Romans 12:1 became alive to me. I had read this verse many times, but now I see that I must present my body as a living sacrifice, my thoughts, deeds, relationships, lifestyle, and actions. This is expected from God. (Sometimes I believe we don’t fully comprehend the meaning and significance of Jesus’s death on the Cross. Just as Jesus yielded His body to the Cross, I must yield to Him so He may continue His work in me.) After continual honest prayer and bible study I acknowledged my limitations and the need to depend on Christ my Savior. I recognize that I cannot control everything in my life, so I choose to trust God with the outcomes. My prayers grew to pray for God’s direction in my decisions, both big and small, actively listening for His leading. Finally, seeking encouragement and guidance such as a small bible group or a Pastor/leader. These steps helped me. God wants us completely dependent upon Him and when we do, this verse is fulfilled in Jeremiah 29:11-13, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”Amen! One of my first memory verses is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him And He shall direct your paths.” When I seek the Lord’s direction for my life, not my own direction, this promise will never fail. Yes I want all God has for me, but now I want God to have all of me, the best of me.
This year, my prayer is that all who name the Name of Christ as our Savior and Redeemer will let Him direct your life. Draw nigh to Him so that He may transform you for His purpose. As He transforms us, we will be used to transform the world for good pointing back to Him. It all boils down to whether you’re for or against surrendering to Christ. Many people don’t want to give up control because they enjoy living out of God’s will. Here’s the thing, surrender is not about giving up on your dreams, but trusting that God will guide you towards the best path, even if it takes time. The choice is yours. It is a process. I pray you to choose wisely this New Year.
“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Luke 9:23
Sybil Clanton