Why Transforming Temples? How did this come to be?
Well, I knew I wanted to do more in ministry to reach people. I often thought about doing a website that might generate revenue. I started a few, but shut them down. I did not connect to what I was trying to do. I often heard a whisper to do something, but I kept running. I thought I had nothing to offer. I knew He has a greater plan for my life than what I was doing. After many trials, tribulation, hardship, and pain, God got my attention. So, I began asking Him everyday, “What do you want me to do Lord?” He spoke to me through His Word, prayer, and my Pastor’s teaching/preaching. God told me to cleanse myself. My heart was full of all the wrong junk. As a result of a bad heart, the things that came out of it wounded others, and my actions did not represent Christ. Next, He told me to be obedient to the Word I was studying. Finally, the major step was to fully SURRENDER. This time, I did not run. I gave Him back His temple to do His will in me. I gave up my control and began to put His Word in action. For the first time in my Christian life, I experienced pure, genuine freedom. His Spirit took control and removed those things that kept me in bondage for way too long. It took much pain, suffering, failure, unwise decisions, fleshly desires to get me to this point; but oh boy, when you do, what a blessing! Now, I am not saying, I am perfect and everything is always fantastic, but I enjoy peace in Him, because no matter what I face in life, He is with me all the way. I am free indeed.
Recently, I was bruised by a dear friend in Christ. The pain was great, but God used it to show me, all I need is Him. In my weakness, He made me strong. I thank my friend for that humbling experience. We can’t put our faith in man, only God. I wake up every morning with a new attitude waiting to see what God has in store for me. I am in this love relationship with Him like never before in my Christian faith. I know I can trust Him with every aspect of my life, heart, mind, body and soul. Which brings me to why Transforming Temples? Because God told me.
I was introduced to IF:Gathering Ladies Conference by my church. Another confirmation on stepping out on faith. It was an amazing experience to see a group of diverse ladies come together with their unique spiritual gifts and talents. They presented Romans chapter 8 in a whole new light. Each lady spoke on a portion of scripture in Romans 8. They made it come alive in my heart, and God used it. These women were doing an amazing ministry. God used this conference to bring me to another level in my faith walk. The last question they asked, was, “what is your risky step of obedience?”, something you’ve felt lead to do, but afraid to try. “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.” (Romans 8:37)
I immediately went home in prayer, writing down ideas, a vision, and a name for the blog. I chose “Transforming Temples” for several reasons. The first reason is because it is part of a quote in one of my favorite scripture verses Romans 12:1-2; second, I saw God’s transforming power within me when I chose to surrender, and it was my desire to see the world be renewed in mind, transformed to what God has always intended for His creation. It is my opportunity to carry this out. I received my domain name, a blank template and started putting together the website. I carried my laptop, a note book, and a pen everywhere I went. God was pouring out so many things to write and ideas. Honestly, sometimes, I had to pull off the road to write it down; even when I was at the gym, I’d jump up, grab some scratch paper and jot it down. Of course, people are looking at me like I had lost my mind. I probably have in a good and Godly sense. Days, nights, sweat, tears of praise, and it’s finally here.
Well, ladies, here it is, transformingtemples.com Christian Blog. This Blog belongs to God. It is a ministry not only for ladies, but for all people. I pray it points you to the one and only God who can transform you to live your best life. The question is, ” Will you let Him?”