May we prepare our hearts for the Holiest of Holy time. In commemoration of Good Friday may we be mindful of what was wrought at the Cross. He died for us. He is the object of our praise and thanksgiving. This Man knew no sin, yet He loved us so much He died for the world. He offered us an opportunity to have a new life free of sin, free of bondage and eternal life. What person do you know who will die for you? He is an innocent man who sacrifices for guilty people.
It is a powerful symbol. Today the Cross is the most widely recognized symbol in the world. It reveals how far sin goes and how far love goes. It is a powerful cleanser, washed by the blood. It is a motivator. It moves us as nothing else can. How can we deny Him?
Our response should be consecrated Christian living. As we see the beauty of His Holiness we desire to live pure lives. We should be drawn into service by the uplifted Christ. Happy Good Friday
