Hey guys, this is Sybil from TransformingTemples.com. How’s everyone doing?
Today I ‘d like to share on a topic from pain to freedom. Looking at John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”.
Do you have some nagging things you want to remove from your life? No guys, I am not talking about your spouse or siblings.
I am speaking about legitimate areas of your life you just can’t seem to control; you know it means you no good. You just want it gone.
I was there at the same point. But whatever it is, DON’T LET IT KEEP YOU CAPTIVE, YOU HAVE A CHOICE, BONDAGE OR FREEDOM.
I was angry, frustrated in my Christ walk because I had too many things controlling me that hindered me from the freedom I desired. Those things were not going anywhere. I was going to church, doing bible study, serving on several ministries, but was still in bondage to the things which controlled me. I knew I was not complete, and there was more purpose to life for me, but they just seemed to have control in my life.
Well, boom, the circumstances in my life came to a crucial and pivotal point. Everything was out of order. The pain and suffering were too deep to handle.
For example, imagine the pain of the following scenarios: watching the love of your life die, or a break up with your best friend forever or your spouse has an extra-marital affair purely lust not love or the pain of knowing you failed your children in upbringing and now they’re on drugs or incarcerated.
Just trying to give some examples of the depth of pain I experienced.
All the things leading up to this pain were areas in my life I allowed to have control over me. It was this type of pain that brought me to my knees, to search my heart, and examine myself through the lens of God. His voice whispered, “DON’T LET IT KEEP YOU CAPTIVE, YOU HAVE A CHOICE, BONDAGE OR FREEDOM.”
I stand here today because of the choice I made to no longer be captive but to choose freedom.
This is not the life God has chosen for us. John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”. Faith in Christ makes us a child of God, but abiding in the WORD, knowing the WORD, and living it makes you a true disciple of God’s kingdom.
There is no one I know that wants to be free from something. Be it fear, anxiety, hatred, anger, loneliness, disease, bigotry, evil desires, and on and on. Jesus came to break the power of all these unhealthy, damaging things keeping us in captivity. One thing I need to make clear in this scripture. Jesus came to break the power of things, controlling us, but not to specifically bring freedom from certain behavior or addictions.
I chose to live with pride, anger, fear, greed, and jealousy controlling my life. Let’s call it what it is. Pure and simple, it is called SIN. Sin is bondage. It keeps you stuck in the same place, doing the same things repeatedly. It’s a vicious cycle.
My pain led to freedom because it led me to promise that led me to purpose. That purpose has become a burden I have for the body of Christ. There is a far difference between a nominal Christian (in name only), a Christian (saved by faith, a believer), and a transformational Christian. In the body of Christ, we all need to be transformational Christians – this Christian is daily fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit in all they do. They know the truth and they’re walking in that freedom applying it in their life. They know and enjoy the promises and full blessings from God because it is so much easier when you’re obedient and fully surrendered. You are complete, living your best life in His power.
I don’t know your struggles or bondage or what it will take in your life to bring you out of captivity. For me, it was pain that moved me to change. “DON’T LET IT KEEP YOU CAPTIVE, YOU HAVE A CHOICE, BONDAGE OR FREEDOM.” I chose freedom. Will you? Will you become a transformational Christian? (and if you are, will you disciple others along the way?