Think about this, are you watching, waiting, and longing for Christ’s return or do you even think about it at all? Do you know everything we do will be placed before Him at His coming? Will Jesus say to you, Well done my faithful servant on the day of His return?. I don’t know about you, but I am trying to live my life so I may hear the words, even though my flesh at times tries to convince me otherwise.
One way we can answer this question is to honestly assess and examine ourselves within and how we live. Take a long hard look. Ask yourself, “Do I live by the world standards with my mind set on earthly things. Or, is my lifestyle preparing me to see The King, characterized by my hope in Jesus’ return. Philippians 3:20 tells us our citizenship is in heaven. It saddens me when I view all the years I wasted seeking earthly things and pleasures. They have nothing to do with what matters. Eternity is what matters. How I prepare is what matters. God has given His Word and Jesus life to model how to live.