Have you ever examined your thoughts for a day? What were you thinking? What thoughts lead to action? If you had to categorize your ideas between good and evil, what would it look like? Did you experience feelings of fear, anger, dislike for people, judging people, comparing yourself to people, jealousy, depression, daydreaming of who you want to be, or what you want to do? Or, did you have prayerful thoughts, peaceful thoughts, joyful thoughts, what you can do better, or who you can help? Was your mind flooded with all the things you had to do?
Our minds can be cluttered with many things; it can be overwhelming. With technology, social media, notifications, and apps on smartphones along with what your mind is processing, no wonder your thoughts are crowded. Nevertheless, it does not have to be that way. Of course, we have daily ideas on our minds for various reasons, but we have the power to control our thoughts on how and what we think.
The Lord is a God of sound knowledge. God gives us understanding by the Holy Spirit. We have so much going on in the world today. It is good to think by the wisdom of God, in the spiritual, not the natural mind. Thinking with the wisdom found in God’s Word can avoid conflict, chaos, and crowded minds. Crowded minds make you ineffective. Crowded minds will make you stress. Philippians 4:8 tells us to think on those things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. It states when you do this, you will have peace.
We study to quiet our minds. The bible has many verses telling us to be still, to rest in Him, and above all, think on things above. I have been practicing speaking less, meditating, and training my thoughts to think on things above. I have found in doing so, it is removing crowded and negative thoughts such as anger, quickness to judge, low esteem, to name a few. The results of my first week in doing this was humbling. The results have been terrific. I chose to pray instead of talk; I chose a hymn to think on, I chose a scripture to meditate on, I thought “who can I help today,” “who can I witness to?” I thought about what I can do better on my job, and what way can I let God’s light shine through me to the world. I pray and meditate throughout the day to keep Satan’s voice out of my ear. The only voice I want to listen to is the voice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When you ponder in God and His excellent glory throughout the day, it makes for a better day.
Get knowledge and wisdom. James 3:13-16 describes wisdom grounded in humility rather than self-centeredness. Wisdom from God is peace-loving, considerate, willing to listen, full of mercy and goodness, and without prejudice or hypocrisy. So, what do we do with this knowledge?
We must have the wisdom of the Spirit in our hearts because this will produce how we think and how we act. Read Ephesians 1:17-18, study it and meditate on it. The bible tells us in Ephesians 1:18 that our eyes of our understanding need to be enlightened. We are to have an understanding and our eyes open to the things of God; “the eyes of our heart enlightened.” This is a continual thing so that your understanding is clear and you know more. God has called us to this life. We’re accountable and responsible to know, think, and act like knowing Christians. It goes on to say we’re to know the hope of our calling. The scripture is telling us we should be experiencing the principles, pleasures, and powers of the spiritual divine life.
Clearing out our thoughts first comes from what is in our hearts. Many of us have issues buried deep in our hearts. We have suppressed them for such a long time, we believe they don’t exist or we believe we can’t change. Stop listening to the wrong voice, move from denial. it is crucial to read, meditate, and pray consistently. Trust God to reveal to you those things you need to see. Then, let Him clean your heart. Life is much better when you obey and trust God.
Wow, Christians are blessed. We have the riches of God the Father, God the Son, and God’s Holy Spirit. This is POWER. Why don’t we tap into it? Why do we walk as weak children? Why do we say we are Christians and have never fully surrendered, nor experienced the precious promises and power in and from God? It is time for Christians to stop looking just like the world. Some of us have the same sins we play with, like the world. We have doubts and fears and many other issues that God can change if you let him. He came to make us whole. All we must do is surrender. Won’t you join me as we grow together in the body of Christ? Uncrowded minds free your thoughts to things above, which bring peace every day.