Building your temple is a daily process. It is not something you can do by yourself. It requires the help of the Holy Spirit within you. Remember, your body is not your own. It belongs to the one who paid the price for it. Jesus died on the cross for you. However, you do have a responsibility. You must choose to treat it right. So, how do we do this? Glad you asked. By watching what you feed it. It is a daily surrender of your will to the Father’s will. If you’re truly in a love relationship with God, then you want to please Him. Would you put garbage in your body? Most of us do. We put our minds on lustful things, maybe spend time watching bad movies or television. We place ourselves around the wrong people and take on their bad habits, or maybe consume an abundance of food, alcohol, or drugs or whatever is not good. Your temple requires spiritual food.
Your temple requires spiritual food everyday. We must study God’s Word on a regular basis and pray for His help. We must be willing to change in order to grow. Take a step up each day, (the building block.) The thing about the building block is when a block falls, you pick it and put in back in place. When we fall, guess what, it is okay, God will pick us up, we learn from it, we get back up and continue building. God’s mercies are new everyday. Growing your temple requires moving from weaning on milk to eating mature food. Reading and applying the Word will transform you.
I was reading my journals over the years . It was amazing to see every situation, every challenge I faced, God used to bring me to the point I am today. Living a Christian life is not easy. Growing is a process, you have to step back and let Him do it. Let Christ build your character. The ultimate goal is to look more like Jesus in all your ways. His first two greatest commandments are: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” And the second is “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
