August 22, 2024 Posted by Sybil Clanton
Poetry by Sybil Clanton
You know me, at least the person I used to be.
I went to church, obeyed the rules,
believed in God intellectually.
I was a religious machine viewing things conceptually.
You know me, I played the role.
Went through the performance shining like gold.
I felt good I had this church thing down.
I still made time to mess around.
I was doing everything I wanted to do.
But wait, something was wrong and I didn’t have a clue.
I asked myself why I fret, worry, and feel unrest.
I guess I did not pass the test.
But then one day God captured my attention.
Asking me “Do you want comprehension?”
I fell to my knees when I heard His voice.
Now, I know I must make a choice.
I asked the Lord “What would you have me to do?”
He said, “It is not about regulations and rules.
I want all of you”.
This revelation impacted my life.
It went through my heart like someone stabbed with a knife.
He said “All those things you do mean nothing to me.
I want your whole heart devoted to me.
I gave my life that you may live free.
Your temple is mine. Now is the time.
You have not grown, but now
I have made my presence known.
Total surrender is what I require from you.
Holding on to your will and control, you shall no longer do.”
God wanted me to surrender all I am and all I have to Him.
Then my life will truly begin.
He wanted me to bring my everything that He might reign in my heart.
I must surrender so that we never part.
Total commitment means surrendering my will, mind, emotions,
possessions, and relationships around the Source.
He is Lord, there is no other choice.
All along I thought I was strong, but oh boy, was I wrong.
I chose to do my will, not surrendering all.
No wonder why I continued to fall.
By all measures, total commitment to the Father is a treasure.
For through surrender flows God’s biggest blessings.
This is a surety without any guessing.
Why fear surrender when you receive prayers unhindered?
Do you know what statistics show? Ninety percent of Christians
do not surrender, nor are Spirit-filled, and sadly don’t KNOW Christ.
For sure they are paying the price with an empty life.
So this is what I say to you, stop playing the role.
Let Him do the transformation He yearns in you.
Why choose all the world and allow your soul to go to hell?
Why take the risk instead of reaping the rewards?
Or do you prefer the cutting of His sword?
Surrender all and explore, all the riches that can’t compete.
In Him, your life can be complete.
Offer your body as a living sacrifice.
You don’t even have to think twice. Just do it.
He wants all of you.
Lay those things down, so He can be found.
The question is, do you want to be the living sacrifice He calls us to be?
He wants to breathe rivers of flowing water through you and me.
Don’t compartmentalize Him in a piece of your heart.
Come on now, let’s be smart.
Give Him all of it, not just a bit.
He wants all of you.
Now my life is forever changed.
It will never be the same.
God has opened all the doors.
Christ has my heart forever more.
I say to you, it is time to stop keeping the distance.
Stop the resistance.
Most of all, stop deceiving yourself,
by going through the motions.
You know there are no genuine emotions.
Get a genuine view of who He is.
Then there’s no doubt you are His.
Personal intimacy and His character leading your life.
This is pleasing in His sight.
Walk in His power and His might.
In His Holy Spirit power is His delight.
Get into the habit of letting God in everything.
In all you have and anything.
When you open the door.
God gives you more.
Unless you open the door of your life completely.
You will never know God deeply.
Place your trust in Him. Don’t let your light be dim.
Cleanse your heart completely for Him.
Give up the unnecessary sin.
You are not losing your life when you fully let Him in.
This is when life’s destiny will begin. Choose Him
My Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.
He wants all of you!
“Get to the end of yourself where you can do nothing, but where He does everything”.
Oswald Chambers
I wrote this poem because of the burden for the church and professing Christians. Most are not living sacrifices. How can God use us to make a difference in the world and to draw people to Christ? Look at the world today. People are dying in sin and have no hope. Can they look at you and see a spark, something different? Or do they see you are just like them? Reflect and think. Do what you must to draw nigh to God and be an example of Christ in your talk and walk. Let Him in.
Sybil Clanton