My Sweet Rose
Dedicated to my mom, Mama Rose.
My sweet Rose, precious in the sight of God.
Her beauty seems never flawed.
She was always smiling and reaching out.
The love she shared there was no doubt.
Willing to give and do was her style. In her was no guile.
I often wondered why she was never sad.
Every time I saw her, she was always glad.
I asked myself what did she have?
She had a big bible she read every night.
Could this be the reason she shined so bright?
I was amazed at all the roles she played.
Working, cooking, cleaning, andtaking care of me,
community service, ministry, and yet so free.
Her grace, poise, and guiding principles
stood out to me as examples.
The smell of the rose was through and through.
It stuck like glue.
I asked my mom, “What is your secret?”
She responded, “In Christ Almighty, you have to receive it.
If you obey Him like you obey me, He is well-pleased.
Come like a child or have no part of me.
Believe in your heart God died for you. This is very true.
I talk and walk with Him. His Word then lives within.”
So now I understand the fragrance of a rose.
This is who God chose.
My mom was fruitful and beautiful.
That is why it is delightful.
Blossoming in the strength of the Lord.
I have been led to the Sword.
My sweet rose laid the foundation,
preparing my transformation.
I am forever blessed—
the joy of peace and no distress.
Thank God He lived in Mom’s heart.
And now Jesus I will not depart.
I love you, Mama Rose.
Your presence forever flows.
Dedicated to my mom, Mama Rose.
Sybil Clanton