The enemy is always attacking me, especially when I am focused on doing the Lord’s work. Sometimes it is subtle, other times I recognize it right away. But here is the question I ask myself. when I see it right away. Will I allow him to attack my flesh and get away with it? Often, it is his attempt is to fill my mind with negativity and lies. When it’s subtle, I tend to ignore it until it smacks me in my face. I recognized it is time to do battle. Enough is enough. Go to war That means I line up a plan of attack. It can be fasting and prayer, meditation, or whatever God speaks to me. God’s Word is truth, His Spirit provides the power I need.
So, I ask you, “do you ever come to the point of going to war or do you continue allowing the enemy to have his way with your temple? I pray that you have the desire and will to do battle with all the weapons God has blessed us with. When I’ve been stuck in this reckless pattern, before it spirals out of control, I flee to Jesus. I am reminded of the scripture, “we have the mind of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 2:16. I am led by His truth, so stop the toxic thinking. Sometimes we can get caught up in the dark, but the key is to confront it, attack it and go to war. We’re in a constant battle thwarting off the evil tactics of the devil and his minions. I tend to beat up on myself. For others, you might be stuck in specific bondages, desiring release, or choose not to be free. Do you dare to fight? Do you even recognize the fight? Many people live in bondage most of their lives. Followers of Jesus, we do not have to live this way. The first thing I had to do is get my thinking right. If my thoughts are dark, I open myself up to bondage. The place to go was to the Word of truth.
We must first know and observe the enemy. Analyze the way he attacks you. To do this you must be sober and alert. The scriptures state in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” And 1 Corinthians 16:13 says, “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.” The question is, do you want to be transformed? Do you dare to fight? I am fighting with all the weapons God has blessed us with. For me, the dark place of the stronghold was my thought life. I don’t know your stronghold, but if you are unaware, now is the time to examine yourself. You have to do the work and it is going to take patience. When I recognized the enemy attack I fought back with spiritual arsenals. Healing began day by day.
I recognized it is my individual responsibility to examine myself and test my own actions as to how I am living and how I am thinking. Am I listening to Satan’s lies or God’s Truth? Will I continue to let the enemy beat up on me? As I fast and pray, I am reminded that in Christ I am given the authority and power over Satan. Paul states in 2 Corinthians 10:5, “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” Wow, what does that look like? For you, I am not sure, but for me it is surrender, trusting Jesus, and believing His Word by putting it to the test. 1 John 4:4 We have so much power within us from the Holy Spirit. A power that we have yet to tap into. It is there for our use if we are willing to give control of our lives over to Him. What does that look like? I am glad you asked. All that busyness in doing the things you like and want to do that has nothing to do with “setting your affections on things above” Colossians 3:2 or “seeking first the kingdom of God.” I think you know what I am talking about.
War or not. You choose whether you will continue to give your temple to the enemy or relinquish your temple over to the One who has the power to transform you and give you victory. Don’t get stuck in the rut of enjoying and entertaining the flesh. It will set you up for destruction. The Lord, Jesus wants nothing between us and Him. He is a jealous God. Yes, it can be hard, but “greater is He who is within us than he who is in the world”. 1 John 4:4. God is greater than the devil. All believers have overcome the devil because we have placed faith in Christ. Believers are no longer blinded by the devil and his demons. When an individual places faith in Christ, they are given freedom and we have had our eyes opened to the truth of the gospel. You choose, will it be a war to guard your temple or will the enemy have his way?
Sybil Clanton