What a beautiful time of the year as families prepare for Christmas day. How do you prepare? For me, decorations are set up and I must watch the movie White Christmas. It is a 1954 classic with Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera-Ellen. The costumes/clothing style is eloquently beautiful if there is such a phrase………
But the true meaning for me brings joy to my heart. It reminds me of who I serve, why I live and my purpose in life. I celebrate Him all year, but this is His birthday. A child was born to provide life for me. A life belonging to the One who died to set me free from the elements of the world. I praise Him. The Cross changes everything. As Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 2:2, “I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
He is now the risen Lord, King of Kings. He has given me His Holy Spirit to live each day in His strength. He is forever with me. Alleluia, He lives through me. It’s a challenge, but one worth living. You see Christmas is a time to reflect, self-examine, and make things purely Christ in us.
Christmas is a reminder of Christ resurrected, Christ with a promise to return in power. The love expressed in Jesus’ sacrifice is truly something to celebrate. The name of Jesus will forever be known and praised above every name. Amen!
Transforming Temples extends a blessed and joyful Christmas celebration and a New Year to show purely Christ in and through us. “Father help us to see your heart in the sacrifice of Your Son and live accordingly.”
God Bless and Merry CHRISTmas.