Yeshua, the sweetest name I know. The Hebrew name for Jesus of Nazareth. The name means Yahweh, (Yah) is salvation. His life, His mission, and His purpose reflect the life and freedom of His children. When we view the walk and life of God the Son, we honor and glorify Him for EVERYTHING!. We celebrate and praise Him for the greatest victory in history. His death and resurrection defeated the power of sin and the grave. The amazing thing is that He chose to die for us and blessed us to share the victory.
How can He love us so much? Really, why bother with sinful, ungrateful mankind? We’re unworthy. When I look at the life of Jesus, I am in awe of His love for us. What man on earth will die for you and ALWAYS forgives you of confessed sin over and again? He keeps right on loving me through trials, through correction, and discipline, withholding no good thing for me. This prompts me with a heart desire to please Him. He took my shabby life, cleaned it up, and set me on solid ground. Oh my, and the blessings are beyond comprehension.
I am reminded of this holy goodness even more during this special time of Lent. But also, tracing His footsteps leading to the Crucifixion I sense His agony and pain. I am right there with Him. How do you even begin to comprehend the heart of Jesus for all mankind? His desire is for all men to enjoy the fruit of His mission to set us free from those things, habits, addictions that keep us in bondage and distance us from intimacy with God. As we think and reflect on Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, think about the horrific death, He chose that you and I might be saved unto eternal life, in perfect peace. If only I could keep that focus 24/7 in how I choose to live every second of the day. There is nothing in life to compare the love of Jesus Christ, nor the provisions He has graciously blessed us with to live. He invites us to share in that victory. He wants us to live with peace in our minds, heart, and spirit. But it’s up to us to receive and walk in the victorious power of His love.
He is my best friend when I am lonely when I am stressed, and in times of trouble. This Man Jesus sees me through. He has used every situation in my life for good, pointing back to Himself. I give Him all the glory. I witness His transforming power every day. He is always there for me. I have seen the impossible become possible. I know that no man can ever do, nor satisfy the soul like Jesus.
Let’s honor Him this Holy Week. Might it be a beginning, a renewal for offering our temples as a living sacrifice back to Him? We celebrate life, freedom, and victory over sin and death because He arose. He lives. Oh, how this makes me want to live for Him fully surrendered. Our life is not about serving and pleasing ourselves. Jesus called us to serve, love, and encourage one another. Most importantly, we’re to share His Person and the salvation message to the world, everywhere we travel throughout the day.
My prayer is that the body of Christ will begin to live just like Jesus, in His power, and that we will experience a revival in our hearts, home, community, and relationships. Let’s make it contagious. We have the power to change the world for good. Amen!
Happy Good Friday!
