Ladies, we have many demands placed on us. For the most part, we’re strong. We endure being a wife, a mom, a career, and the independence of being single. All of these demands can get overwhelming at times, but we find a way to press on. And this is the big question; what or how do you choose to press on? If you struggle with this, rest assured, we do have the power, if you decide to tap into it. He is there, willing, and waiting. From my own experience, I had to remind myself I really “can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.” It is so easy to fret, worry, and forget about what we have in Christ. Do you desire to be a slave to your circumstances or emotions? Or, do you want to live aware of the power of Christ within and for you? I pray you chose the latter.
The life of Apostle Paul displays an example of a Christian utilizing the power of Christ. Let us look at some key ideas to help us walk in the same power we have in Christ. Jesus said he would not leave us alone, and He would send the Comforter who is the Holy Spirit. (John 14:26). Paul understood the war that takes place with our emotions, our thoughts, and our minds when we become overwhelmed. He dug into the power source of God.
In 2 Corinthians, chapter 10, Paul is answering the accusations of his enemies in Corinth. They were spreading lies that Paul was not an apostle, he had no credentials, and that his motives were insincere. They criticized his letters, stating he would not back them up or keep his promises. They accused him of being weak. By the way, Paul’s weakness was God’s meekness. Now, imagine one of your days, weeks, or months of constant attacks from the enemy. You’re at the point of losing it completely or have already given into your emotions and wrong thoughts. How did Paul respond?
Paul speaks in defense, not for himself, but for his apostolic office, God appointed him. He boasted in the Lord and not himself. This is important because we don’t want to defend ourselves, instead be aware of our calling as Christian women. Also, we don’t want to lash out and offend. Meekness is not weakness; it is power under control, the ability to be angry at sin, yet willing to suffer abuse for the sake of Christ. How do we do this? Well, Paul started by using spiritual weapons and taking those negative thoughts captive. Paul did not use carnal methods. He did not rely on human abilities or fleshly wisdom. The Word of God and prayer are the only effective weapons in this battle against Satan. Ladies, you know our emotions can sometimes be all over the place leading us to wrong thinking which leads to wrong decisions and wrong behavior. We don’t have to go there. We have the only power one may have. He is genuine and He works for us.
Paul states in 2 Corinthians, 10:4-6, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. Worldly matters did not influence Paul. Instead, he used spiritual weapons and tools. Paul built his character through prayer and the Word of God. It takes time, dedication, and sacrifice. Though we ladies wear many hats, we must put in the time for God. The Holy Spirit will give us all we need to be obedient and stand. Even when we are down and feeling down about ourselves or the situation, know that God sees you and your work as an excellent success for His glory.
So, let’s look at some of that power. First, you have to believe it. It has to be a part of you. It needs to control your life. God is the ultimate source of power. All power comes from Him. “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”( Isaiah 40:29) This power is not your own, but you must learn how to use it every day. The Christian’s power from God helps us to endure suffering, persecution, and is perfected in weakness.
Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God’s power is beyond our comprehension. Divine power is at work in Christians to do far more than all we can ask or conceive. He gives us the ability, strength, skill, resources, and authority that far exceeds anything we can dream or imagine. Ephesians 1:19–20 says that nothing compares to His great power for us who believe. In fact, this power God gives believers is the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead and seated Him in heavenly places. The same power that saved us and raised Jesus from the grave. Wow, with the Holy Spirit living within us, we can handle any circumstances in our lives. We must believe it and use our weapons God has blessed us with. Are we allowing Him to dwell in our hearts? Are we being filled with all the fullness of God? It is extraordinary power available to all believers, yet we don’t begin to use the fullness of Him.
God has blessed me tremendously this year. He has taught me to trust Him in all things. I was that person with wrong thinking and weak faith. Once I was slowed down (by God), I dedicated my time to Him, I surrendered. He removed the things, persons, idols from my life. He showed me all I need is Him. He is and continues to show me Himself every day. I am in awe of the miraculous things He does and the power He gives to grow me and move me past painful experiences. Living your life surrendered to Jesus, in His power is what He has called us to do. The bible states there is an extraordinary power available to believers, a power that can accomplish far more than we ordinarily think or imagine. It comes by the Spirit. It accords with the riches of God’s glory. It is the very fullness of God, as unimaginable as that sounds. (Ephesians 3:16)
Well, Ladies, I pray we all begin to utilize the power we have been blessed with daily. I pray we will allow God’s power to rule your decisions, your direction, your life. The power is available in fullness. May we learn to use it. May you believe in it.
God bless!